How to Plan Your Vision

Why You Need to Break Your Blueprint Down Into Steps



Welcome to our Athletics Department Newsletter. By subscribing, you will get any and all information about Concordia Athletics sent straight to your inbox every week. These will be going out every Monday.

Here’s what to expect in today’s newsletter:

  • Blog

  • Weekly Recap

  • Quote of the Day

  • Cardinal Toolbox

  • Upcoming Events

  • Read Time: ~ 5 minutes



Breaking down your vision into phases is an important strategy that can help make any journey more approachable and less overwhelming.

Similar to how a significant construction project is divided into stages, your life's blueprint should also be organized into distinctive phases, each serving as a stepping stone towards your ultimate goal.

This method not only helps in making the task seem less daunting but also offers clear milestones to celebrate and reflect upon, enhancing the overall build.

Consider a construction project. Before the builders even break ground, they first go through the planning stage. That’s what we are going to go through right now. We’re essentially saying “this is what I want my life’s plan to be.”

The foundation phase comes later, which sets the base for all the work to follow. Before the work even begins you need a plan.

For a builder, once they have a plan and lay a foundation, each phase like framing, roofing, and interior work builds on the previous one. Eventually, every phase gets built into what the blueprint said that it would become.

Similarly, your vision needs to be deconstructed into key phases. Let’s break them down:

  1. Learning

  2. Growth

  3. Service

The Learning Phase involves acquiring the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to progress towards your vision. This could involve formal education, self-study, mentoring relationships, or practical experience. The goal is to build a robust foundation of knowledge and skills that will support you as your work towards your vision.

Next is the Growth phase, which concerns developing personal and spiritual maturity. This phase is less about achievements and more about transformation. It's about becoming the person who is capable of fulfilling the vision. This could involve building character traits like patience, resilience, faithfulness, and humility.

Finally, the Service phase is about putting what you've learned and who you've become into action. It's about using your knowledge, skills, and character to serve others. This is where you start to see the fruits of your labor and the manifestation of your vision. It’s where the work begins.

Dividing your vision into phases like this can provide clarity and structure, making the vision seem less distant and more achievable. It breaks down the monumental task into manageable parts and allows you to focus on one phase at a time.

However, keep in mind that these phases are not strictly sequential. You will likely find yourself cycling through them repeatedly, as you continue to learn, grow, and serve throughout your journey.

This cyclical nature is a reflection of the lifelong journey of building. It’s not about focusing on what you’re building. It’s about focusing on the process of it.

And that all starts with a vision.

- Coach T


During the school year in each newsletter, we will post a weekly recap of what has gone on in Cardinal Athletics! Feel free to send pictures and videos for us to post here to [email protected].


A Parent Talks to a Child Before the First Game

“This is your first game, my child. I hope you win.

I hope you win for your sake, not mine.

Because winning’s nice.

It’s a good feeling.

Like the whole world is yours.

But, it passes, this feeling.

And what lasts is what you’ve learned.

And what you learn about is life.

That’s what sports is all about. Life.

The whole thing is played out in an afternoon.

The happiness of life.

The miseries.

The joys.

The heartbreaks.

There’s no telling what’ll turn up.

There’s no telling whether they’ll toss you out in

the first five minutes or whether you’ll stay for

the long haul.

There’s no telling how you’ll do.

You might be a hero or you might be absolutely


There’s just no telling.

Too much depends on chance.

On how the ball bounces.

I’m not talking about the game, my child.

I’m talking about life.

But’s it’s lfe that the game is all about.

Just as I said.

Because every game is life.

And life is a game.

A serious game

Dead serious.

But that’s what you do with serious things.

You do your best.

You take what comes.

You take what comes

And you run with it.

Winning is fun.

But winning is not te point.

Winning to win is the point.

Not giving up is the point.

Never being satisfied with what you’ve done

is the point.

Never letting up is the point.

Never letting anyone down is the point.

Play to win.


But lose like a champion.

Becacuse it’s not winning that counts.

What counts is trying.”

- Unknown




We are running our morning workouts again starting this week (up until school starts!) If you are an athlete at CHS, we highly recommend you come to these to prepare yourself for the upcoming school year:

Here is the schedule for the workouts on Mondays-Thursdays.

8am-9am: Weight Room

9am-11am: Open Gym

We’d love to have you come workout!


Tomorrow at 6:30PM we will be having a Pre-Season Cross Country Meeting with Head Coach Mike Srivathanakul. The meeting will take place in Cardinal Hall. Come in through the back doors!


If you are looking for more ways to follow along and support our athletes, here are a few more things we do:

  1. Interested in Sponsoring an Edition of our Newsletter? Shoot an email to our athletic director [email protected] and he will point you in the right direction!

  2. Follow us on Social Media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates throughout the season!

We pray that your day is full of reminders of God’s love and faithfulness. May you faithfully build your life on Christ.

“But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in my weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

To God be the glory,

Coach T